Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Today's Weather


I have travelled to Russia and much of it is just this bleak, vast stretches of uninspired apartment blocks. The sign, for your amusement, is a typical piece of anti-Ukrainian propaganda: "Russia's border ends nowhere."

The oligarchs and wanna-bes in this country support Putin and would have this be the View From Your Window. I'm referring to Trump and Carlson, Murdock, McCarthy and Green, and a bunch of others. MTG is now openly calling for red-state succession (in, as Liz Cheney notes, clear violation of her pledge to uphold the Constitution).

As for me, it's a nice warm day, I figure I'll go outside and clean the dust out of the barrel of the 9 mm auto my old man took from a Nazi POW at the end of WWII.

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