Friday, March 3, 2023

The New Normal

 I don't know who Cristopher F. Ruto is, but I'm gonna make some guesses about him, based on the attached post. For starters, I'd guess he's a college admin somewhere in the Midwest or South - probably not a big university, but some smaller school.

I figure he went to college himself, probably a business major. He certainly never willingly took a humanities course - you can tell by how he thinks and speaks. No student of English in their right mind would publish the jargon-filled wheelbarrow of manure that Chris has delivered here. I'd credit him for having been in the Military ("mission-aligned") but he probably just watched Top Gun: Maverick. Apparently the student body will be "recomposed," which is code for "indoctrinated into the ways of the Schutzstaffle."

I'm a professor whose tenure spanned the time when Universities - including apparent bastions of liberal thought and progressive ideology, including HBCUs (I'm looking at you, NCCU) - began the shift (the fucking "mission-alignment") from a focus on liberal arts to the trades. More jargon - they called it "the new normal." Confession here: I was safely positioned teaching Criminal Justice. The country always needs more cops, more private security, more prison guards. The thinking, then and now, is that a college degree is of no use unless it gains the student a paying job. Forget philosophy, sociology, history, literature, fine arts. Up with PE, Criminal Justice, Library Science, STEM, Nursing, Architecture, Law - that's where the Benjamins are. Those are the students most likely to pay their student loans.

Of course, it's a little more complicated than that, but not much. First we gut the institution of any courses that require true intelligence and critical thinking, any sense of human development and transcendent experience (that would be your "ideologically captured," right there). When schools are little more than shop classes, students are much easier to indoctrinate and manage. Public universities must step in line or their enrolments will fall and they will fail. But they have already failed, because they have become for-profit ventures and have re-defined "education" as "employability." Public universities have succumbed to the Christopher Rutos of the world, and they have become "mission-aligned." 

Of course, you CAN still get a good liberal arts education. It's a feature of all best - and most expensive - private schools.

Addendum: I didn't know this guy but now I do - according to today's post by H.C. Richardson, he is "right-wing activist Christopher Rufo, the man behind the furor over Critical Race Theory and one of DeSantis’s appointees to the New [College of Florida] School board. . .".

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